Sheriff Michael F. Strada is pleased to announce the graduation of the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office’s newest K-9 Team from the New Jersey State Police Canine Academy 38th Narcotics Scent Class.
Sheriff’s Detective Michael Scott and K-9 “Ace” recently successfully completed an intensive 14-week training course in narcotics detection. Detective Scott is a 7 year veteran of the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office and K-9 Ace is a 1 year old German Shepherd Dog.
During their training, over approximately 450 hours, the K-9 team executed over 300 narcotics searches in various conditions and at numerous locations.
Detective Scott and K-9 Ace are scheduled to begin the New Jersey State Police Canine Academy Patrol Class for tracking in September.
The Sussex County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit currently consists of three K-9 teams. Two narcotics detection teams and one tracking/trailing team.
Sheriff Strada congratulates Detective Scott and Ace and wishes them great success in their careers. Said Sheriff Strada, “We are pleased to present the services of this great team and our other K-9 teams to the law enforcement agencies and citizens of Sussex County. I know they will prove to be a tremendous asset.”